Do you know about our HJMT Blog?
We recently launched our new HJMT website. If you haven’t seen it, take a quick look. You will notice that we have all new faces now at HJMT.
Jeannine Iwankiw is our new office manager. She comes to us from WABC-TV and was a news producer there. She took a few years off to raise her son and now, HJMT is lucky to have her join our team!
Allycia Wilson is also a new face. She was a writer with Self, Elle and many of the other women’s publications. Allycia is a writer, editor and social media expert and we are thrilled to have her on board too!
We also re-launched our blog. The blog is specifically geared for business owners to learn more about marketing, PR and social media. We will be talking about cutting edge technologies here as well. Each week, there will be something new about our firm or about the industry. If you don’t subscribe to our blog, please do so here:
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